This year’s project saw 101 participants excavate the site of Fort Frederick at the Royal Military College of Canada. Of the 101, 63 were from the “Can You Dig It?”© Summer Archaeology Program and 38 from the Queen’s E=MC² program. The worksite also provided extensive opportunities for active involvement as well as tours and presentations to the public.
A total of 7 sub-operations and 20 test pits were excavated in 2004, and substantial amounts of material culture were recovered, primarily from the latrine. Much of this was determined to date to the early College period. Small amounts of early to mid 19th century material was found in the vicinity of the Royal Artillery Barracks, which dates from the War of 1812 period, as well as the structure initially thought to be the guard house of the 1812 fort, now interpreted as being the magazine.
While excavation continued to focus on some of the elements of the War of 1812 period, it was determined that 1846 Tower period features also warranted investigation. Additional work was carried out at the Royal Artillery Barracks, and what was interpreted as the Guard House as well as the presumed location of two other barracks. The Tower period latrine and well were also investigated.
During the 2004 season further work was done at the Royal Artillery Barracks, and an attempt was made to locate another barrack structure. A square feature that appeared as a crop mark and interpreted as the 1812 Guard House was also investigated. Both the latrine and well dating to the 1846 Tower period were partially excavated, but there was no evidence of in situ deposits related to the use of these structures during the Tower period. A small drain from this period was identified and recorded as part of this season’s work as well as the Fort’s pavé surface. It is clear that there are archaeological resources dating to the earliest military use of the site and extending through to the College period that remain intact at Fort Frederick.