New, Improved, and Ready for Christmas
Next time you stop by the Kingston Archaeological Centre take a few moments to check out our new and expanded gift shop. Blending education with unique souvenirs and gifts, the Centre is looking to provide visitors with affordable souvenirs that are directly connected to history and archaeology. New additions include small, handmade cornhusk doll key chains (miniature replicas of dolls made in Iroquois communities), needlepoint crafts featuring original designs of Fort Frontenac and a simplified Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation logo, necklaces with projectile point pendants, and bead kits.
Each unique item is packaged with an information card explaining the item's historical significance. For example, the packages of beads include information on the role glass beads played in the fur trade. All items are original designs dreamed up and crafted right here in the Centre.
So when Christmas draws near and you are looking for that unique stocking stuffer or that little add on, think of the KAC Gift Centre. Give a little bit of Canadian history this year!